Todo Es De Color
June 28 – September 15, 2023
Taché Art Gallery

Galeria Carles Taché is pleased to present in its new space at 70 Trafalgar Street the new exhibition ‘Todo es de color’ by the artist Xavi Ceerre. The opening will take place next Wednesday, June 28 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Within the Art Nou event, promoted by Art Barcelona, the exhibition features paintings and sculptures by the artist, the latter as part of an installation. All the works have been carried out during this year 2023.

Xavi Ceerre, born in Alcoi 34 years ago, is one of the most outstanding painters of his generation, with exhibitions both nationally and internationally. This will be the second showing of him in the gallery.

His beginnings in Alcoi, an industrial city in decline, influenced his personal universe. Brutal architectures and disused spaces, now silent and empty, keep a mystery that he tries to solve. Already at a very young age, Xavi Ceerre found in these abandoned factories a propitious place where he could develop as a creator. From that moment on, plastic expression became an obsession to the point of turning it into his way of life.

In the artist’s own words, ‘it’s important to me to approach painting as a game, since by doing it this way I have the freedom to change the rules when they no longer seem fun to me. I have experienced a war within myself, alternating between moments of affection and moments of hate, until I reached a state of detachment, which simultaneously involves acceptance. This acceptance encompasses whatever comes my way, embracing fluidity and relinquishing fear, allowing surprise to emerge’

In his latest works, he rescues the techniques of decalcomania, grattage or automatism that give his works an originality and personality unbecoming of an artist of his age.

Pictures by Roberto Ruiz

Art Nou 2023 / ART-O-RAMA - Best Exhibition. Barcelona, ES 2023.